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Cancer in cats mouth : Symptomes and Type

cancer in cats mouth Oral cancer in cats is a very serious disease, and if not detected early, it is almost always fatal. cat cancer symptoms Third of all cats are estimated to die from some form of cancer, and be aware of and understand the early symptoms can make the difference between life and death for your cat. cancer in cats mouth

cat cancer symptoms Most forms of cancer to strike means cats and more middle aged, and cancer of the mouth is not expected.  cancer in cats mouth There are several potential cancers that can affect cats of the mouth, including fibro sarcoma, lymphoma and melanoma, but generally not the case. In most cases, the cause of oral cancer in cats is squeamish cell carcinoma.

Understanding Cancer: cancer in cats mouth

cancer in cats mouth cancer of the mouth in cats is no different from any form of cancer because it is a condition in which there is a rapid cell division and tissue growth. cat cancer symptoms When this happens, it is at the expense of specific functions of organs, which in this case is his mouth and cats throat. The best way a homeowner can understand this process, it is through an example. If your cat cancer biopsy was performed, in addition to the entire tissue mass cases support only a very slight resemblance to the normal tissues of the mouth when examined under a microscope. cancer in cats mouth

However, this mass does not perform any of the functions of other tissues of the mouth or throat, and performance if left untreated, the tissues were completely dominant. Once that happens, cat cancer symptoms it is something even more sinister, but indicates that the process of metastasis in other parts of the body of the cat. cancer in cats mouth

cancer in cats mouth Cancer of any type is small or stepwise according to the degree of malignancy occurs. cat cancer symptoms Low-grade cancers continue to grow locally and can become very large over time. They spread to distant organs once it occurs, usually at the end of the disease, and in this case, it can easily spread to internal organs cats. In addition, cancers better spread very early and very quickly, even if the primary tumor is still quite low and difficult to detect. cancer in cats mouth

cancer in cats mouth In the case of oral cancer in cats, if the result of squeamish cell carcinoma, which is almost always malignant and high quality. This is the main reason why it is so dangerous. cat cancer symptoms
Squeamish cell carcinoma is most often associated with skin cancer, and for this reason is also associated with sun exposure. However, oral cancer in cats, has another very sinister, but he was attracted by the scars found in the mouth or tongue of the cat. cancer in cats mouth

Causes: cat cancer symptoms

cancer in cats mouth Oral cancer in cats, like any other cancer, has no real known cause. However, it is usually done in the medical community that this type of self-induced cancer. Cats are by nature perhaps the most meticulous of all animals, cat cancer symptoms and therefore continue to prepare. When the groom, use their mouth and tongue, and over time, it can cause scarring to occur. cancer in cats mouth

cancer in cats mouth The environment of cats is also full of carcinogens that are included in their coat of hair every day from the air, and everything that comes in contact with. The cat made his careful preparation, cancer in cats mouth a lot of these carcinogens in the cats mouth and tongue. These carcinogens may also cause the cells of the mouth or tongue to divide and divide once they start playing. cat cancer symptoms Once this proliferation occurs, it opens the way for tumors that develop in turn, can become cancerous. cancer in cats mouth


cancer in cats mouth Oral cancer in cats is very easy to spot if you know and understand the symptoms. It is extremely important with any type of illness in your cat can recognize the symptoms, but with cancer of the mouth, it can make the difference between life and death. It is also important for an owner to understand that even if you check your cat's mouth and tongue every day, you can see absolutely no sign of a tumor. cancer in cats mouth In fact, even the best qualified veterinarian can easily be lost if the mass is growing and is considered a low grade and abrasions. cat cancer symptoms

If it is in the form of high quality, it is almost impossible to identify without biopsy. However, there are several other symptoms that can be taken into account. The first sign of oral cancer in cats is almost always excessive salivation. cancer in cats mouth Any funny cat a little from time to time, but the key is slightly. Cats are not dogs and not drool too much, and if you find a kind of slime that seems abnormal, immediately the smell of his breath. If breathing has a foul odor, you must run, not walk, to your vet, and that something is very wrong with your cat. cat cancer symptoms

Another very serious consideration for any sign of bleeding came from the cat's mouth. Unless they have recently reduced their mouth or tongue on something, bleeding is a sign of danger. cancer in cats mouth Weakness or sleeping more than usual is this warning seriously and any difficulty eating signal. Understand that this type of cancer is caught fears, and all types of scars on language cats may invite mass growth, difficulty eating develops very often. cat cancer symptoms

Diagnosis: cancer in cats mouth

cancer in cats mouth Oral cancer in cats is extremely difficult to detect at first, unless you understand the symptoms. Can be almost impossible to see a tumor or in the early stages inside the mouth. However, you can always find irritation or abrasion or abnormal texture. If you see one of these, with the symptoms, you may be identified in the early stages. cancer in cats mouth

cancer in cats mouth At this point, your veterinarian can quickly perform a biopsy to determine if there is actually a type of cancer present. It is a process where the veterinarian will take a small sample of tissue from the mouth of cats and examined under a microscope. It is then that the cat is under general anesthesia, so it is not at all painful for your cat. If cancer is detected, it is subject to what is called a trial of chemotherapy, which will help you identify what stage it is, as well as potential treatments. cancer in cats mouth

Treatments: cat cancer symptoms

The treatment of oral cancer in cats all depends on the stage of the cancer. Chemotherapy are very effective in reducing the progression, but not a cure against cancer. cat cancer symptoms Cats also suffer from the same side effects as humans with this form of treatment, including vomiting and hair loss.

cancer in cats mouth Surgical removal of the tumor allows your cat a greater chance of survival. However, this also depends on the stage of the cancer symptoms If you can not be completely removed by surgery, will in most all cases of return. cancer in cats mouth

cancer in cats mouth is very painful for your cat, making it almost impossible for them to take pills or even some liquids. cat cancer symptoms It is a trans dermal cream that your veterinarian can take to relieve the pain, but if you have cancer of the mouth, you should also seriously consider changing your cat to a very soft foods. cancer in cats mouth

Summary: cancer in cats mouth

Oral cancer in cats does not mean the immediate death penalty. However, if you see the first symptoms and seek professional help immediately, your cat has very little chance of surviving the cancer concern. cancer in cats mouth The most important thing that any homeowner can do is to look for these symptoms, especially your cat. cancer in cats mouth

1 commentaires:

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